Advantages of Studying Abroad for an African Student

Studying abroad – this is like the golden ticket to the magical world of education! 🌍✈️ For us African students, it’s not just about packing our bags and crossing borders; it’s about unlocking a world of opportunities and experiencing life like never before. So, grab your virtual passport, and let’s dive into the exciting world […]

Managing Upwards- What to Do With Difficult Bosses

Have you ever had a boss who made your life miserable? You know, the ones who constantly breathe down your neck, throw tantrums, take credit for your work, or are just plain rude. If you have, you’re not alone. Dealing with difficult bosses can be a challenging experience, and it is something that most of […]

Rocking Your Niche & Crushing The Competition

Hey there! Are you ready to attract a flock of loyal customers who absolutely adore your product or service and can’t stop singing its praises to everyone they know? Customers who are not only willing to pay a premium but also stay fiercely loyal to your brand? Well, get excited because you’re about to learn […]

The 10th Man- Lessons From The Isreali Army

The 10th man- Thinking outside the box

Have you ever been in a meeting where everyone agrees on a product decision, but you have a nagging feeling that something is wrong? Maybe you are afraid to speak up, or maybe you think you are the only one who sees the problem. If so, you might be a victim of groupthink. Groupthink is […]

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